
This tutorial shows how to prepend a license header to one or more compressed files in your django-require project.

Setup Require.js Application

Start by creating and configuring the require.js application. If your application is already up and running, you can skip to the Django configuration section.


For this example, in a Django project called myproject, there is a require.js application called app with a directory structure similar to this:

+ myproject
  - manage.py
  + myproject
  + static
    + js
      + libs
        - almond.js
        - jquery.min.js
        - loglevel.js
        - require.js
      + app
        - main.js
      - app.build.js
      - app.js
      - JS-LICENSE.txt

Main Application

The main require.js application in static/js/app/main.js contains:

], function($, log)

  log.debug("Hello world!");


So we import the loglevel library as log, enable logging on all levels and print a test message.

Build Config

The r.js build configuration file static/js/app.build.js contains:

    mainConfigFile: "app.js",
    name: "app",
    preserveLicenseComments: false,
    skipDirOptimize: true

Check the r.js docs for an explanation of these options.

Application Config

The application configuration file static/js/app.js contains:

    paths: {
        jquery:         'libs/jquery.min',
        almond:         'libs/almond',
        loglevel:       'libs/loglevel'
    shim: {
        loglevel: {
            exports:    'loglevel'

        almond: {
            exports:    'almond'

// Load the main app module to start the app


The libraries used in this example are placed in static/js/libs.

License File

static/js/JS-LICENSE.txt is a plain-text file containing the license text. You can use variable placeholders that are replaced during the build:

/*! Copyright {copyright_holder} {copyright_year} - v{version} ({timestamp})
 *  {license_url}

Configure Django application

Make sure the staticfiles and django-require applications are included in the INSTALLED_APPS setting of the Django project settings file:

  # ...

The STATIC_ROOT setting points to an absolute directory path where the static files should be collected to:

STATIC_ROOT = '/path/to/static/'

Change the STATICFILES_STORAGE setting to require_license.storage.OptimizedStaticFilesStorage:

# The file storage engine to use when collecting static files with the
# `collectstatic` management command.
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'require_license.storage.OptimizedStaticFilesStorage'

Configure the django-require application (refer to the documentation for details):

import os

# The baseUrl to pass to the r.js optimizer.

# The name of the build profile for the site, relative to REQUIRE_BASE_URL.
# Leave blank to use the built-in default build profile.
REQUIRE_BUILD_PROFILE = 'app.build.js'

# The name of the require.js script used by your project, relative to
REQUIRE_JS = os.path.join(REQUIRE_BASE_URL, 'libs', 'require.js')

# Whether to run django-require in debug mode.

# A dictionary of standalone modules to build with almond.js.
    'app': {
        # Where to output the built module, relative to REQUIRE_BASE_URL.
        'out': 'app.min.js',

        # A build profile used to build this standalone module.
        'build_profile': REQUIRE_BUILD_PROFILE,

# A tuple of files to exclude from the compilation result of r.js.

Configure Header

Configure the REQUIRE_LICENSE_HEADERS options. This is a dict object where you add a mapping for the output file (eg. js/app.min.js) and a dict containing the variables that we inject into the license header.

from datetime import datetime, date

# A dictionary of output files with a license header config.
    os.path.join(REQUIRE_BASE_URL, 'app.min.js'): {
        'license_file': os.path.join(REQUIRE_BASE_URL, 'JS-LICENSE.txt'),
        'timestamp': date.today(),
        'copyright_year': datetime.now().year,
        'copyright_holder': 'MyCompany',
        'license_url': 'http://example.com/license',
        'version': 'myproject.version'

The only mandatory key is license_file: the path to the license header template file, eg. js/JS-LICENSE.txt.

The version key is special: use a string value here, eg. 1.0.4, or specify a fully-qualified path to an attribute that contains a string version instead, eg. myproject.version.

Any other keys found in the dict will also be injected in the license header template.


Now you’re ready to run the collectstatic command to collect and optimize the static files:

./manage.py collectstatic

This copies all static files into the STATIC_ROOT directory, including the compressed app.min.js with license header.